Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This is a test

What did you notice first in the above picutre?

a. The bulging bicep
b. The bulging undies
c. The stove


Anonymous said...


Also the missing hood/microwave over the stove for some reason.

Homer said...

I was noticing the missing hood. I am always distracted by the things in the background in these sort of pictures.

K-A said...

His glowing red eyes and the excessive amount of magnetic poetry on the refrigerator.

Anonymous said...

bicep-bulge !! but his funny red (!) eyes made the real 1st great
impression ( the bulge in the
undies tells me not so much / who
knows if that's a fake ... )
still his body is gorgeous , and maybe he's a fine cook ...

Nice to see StevieB said...

It’s quite possible that the missing micro-hood is down his shorts, It appears that way.

Anonymous said...

Yep - missing hood....

Gooster said...

C, the stove, but I did see that he has those Make a Sentence magnets on his black fridge, which totally doesn't match the stove. What's the deal with the knotty pine cabinets? Is this a cabin? Then the missing hood, which wouldn't have been so noticeable except for the strange brown paint spot, then the demon eyes, then the fact that it's 10:02, wonder if that is A.M. or P.M.? LOL